For her stage collaborations with Theatre of NOTE, Moving Arts and The Actors' Gang, funded by Tim Robbins, Erika was a finalist for the Sherwood Award for Emerging Artists by the Centre Theatre Group, Los Angeles. She was also selected for both the Lincoln Center Directors' Lab and the multidisciplinary artistic residency ENPARTS at Dansenshus, Stockholm, where she created the three-screen installation THE EYE IS NOT THE CAMERA.


A description of a claustrophobic family cross-section, from which notes of morbid tenderness and dull pain emerge. This is all made credible by a cast of young actors, directed by a steady hand.

Motivation, Special Mention, TORINO FILM FESTIVAL

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A dissonant educational story for families, a subversive mise-en-scène of games, moods, looks and objects of desire.

Motivation, Kodak Short Award, TORINO FILM FESTIVAL

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A passionate man in search for his ideal woman, whom he saw and desired in the films of Federico Fellini.

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 Worse to be alone... than in bad company.

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In the uncertain aftermath of the 'Arab spring', there is no more heartening message. 

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The exciting yet stressful last fitting of a wedding dress brings up the most contrasting opinions on marriage, relationships and the endurance of love.

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photo by Anna di Prospero
photo by Anna di Prospero



An adaptation of the short story FLY ALREADY by Etgar Keret.

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Photo by Diane Arbus
Photo by Diane Arbus



A music documentary about the first Italian feminist record, written in 1974 but never distributed until 2021.

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